
Shell Eco-Marathon 2010

BY Keegan Gan

Making its debut in Asia in July 2010, the Shell Eco-Marathon is an educational project that challenges student teams to design and build the most energy-efficient vehicles to compete with each other.

The inaugural event will be held from 8th to 10th July 2010 at the Sepang international Circuit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with eight teams flying the Singapore flag abroad.

The teams are from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) West, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

With the 2010 edition of the Shell Eco-Marathon being held in Asia for the very first time, participation will definitely be keen and our local teams can expect stern competition from the other 85 teams from 11 countries.It is estimated that 1,000 people including students, business leaders, media and faculty members from the schools and universities in the region will be present at the race.

The Shell Eco-Marathon started off in the United States as a friendly wager between two scientists at a Shell research laboratory to see who can get the most mileage per gallon of fuel from their vehicles. From this humble origin, an organised competition for fuel economy soon evolved into an educational project for tertiary students to design and construct the most energy efficient vehicle to compete against other teams' vehicles with the winner being the vehicle that travels the furthest with the least amount of fuel consumed.