
Mercedes-Benz Driving Experience 2010

BY Keegan Gan

Guided by professional driving instructors, 'The Mercedes-Benz Driving Experience' provided participants with an exclusive opportunity to drive an almost complete range of Mercedes-Benz models.

Photos: Joel Tam & Keegan Gan

Held at the Changi Exhibition Centre from 2nd to 13th June, participants of the Mercedes-Benz Driving Experience 2010 had the chance to drive an eclectic range of Mercedes-Benz cars, from the zippy little B Class hatchback all the way to the people moving R Class on a specially designed test drive circuit. This event was organized to inculcate the philosophy of driving safely which has always been the basic fundamental to the Mercedes-Benz philosophy and at the same time promote the technological progression of the vehicles from Mercedes-Benz. Such is the popularity of the event, all 430 slots over 12 days were snapped up within the first day of registration. 

The event commenced with an introduction of the driving instructors and key Mercedes-Benz technologies as well as a briefing of the day’s programme. The purpose of the event was to promote the experience of driving a Mercedes-Benz car in a controlled environment and promote safety through correct and proper driving techniques from experienced driving instructors. This whole exercise also allows participants to indulge themselves with the opportunity to drive in a diverse range of Mercedes-Benz cars, with two notable cars being the Mercedes-Benz SLK and the Mercedes-Benz E Class cabriolet which proved to be a great hit with the participants as everyone excitedly waited for their turn to drive 'topless'.

Even though the emphasis is on Mercedes-Benz's technological advancement in safety, the onus lies within the driver to keep him or herself and the passengers safe instead of being over reliant on technology. Being the world’s leading car manufacturer when safety is concerned, Mercedes-Benz's efforts to make cars safer also requires the driver to play a part in driving safely, hence the introduction of the Mercedes-Benz Driving Experience which equips one with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle a vehicle in critical driving situations. And with the combination of Mercedes-Benz’s advanced technology, the vital element of safety incorporated in the design of its cars and defensive driving techniques being taught to its drivers, Mercedes-Benz has once again set new standards in road safety.

Due to an overwhelming number of attendees, the participants were segregated into three groups, and assigned to different stations. They were first taught the correct seating postures in the driver’s seat and the handling positions on the steering wheel followed by a series of practical driving exercises based on situations that can occur in daily driving.

These include the slalom course, lane change and ABS braking. Through these exercises, participants understood how physics can affect a vehicle and learnt how to control the vehicle with safety. Concluding the whole exercise was a timed run whereby participants used what they have learnt by negotiating their way through a series of obstacles combined to form the test circuit.

In summary, not only did all the participants experience for themselves the attributes of the safety features and new technologies in the featured range of Mercedes-Benz cars, they have brought home with them invaluable driving tips, making them safer and better drivers.