
Esteban Ocon And Alpine To Part Ways At The End Of 2024

BY Sean Loo

Esteban Ocon and Alpine are preparing to go their separate ways at the close of the 2024 Formula 1 season.

This decision bookends a vibrant five-year saga filled with both triumphs and trials for Ocon at Alpine, where he clinched his first Grand Prix victory at the 2021 Hungarian Grand Prix - a moment that remains a highlight in both his career and the team's history.

Ocon's journey with Alpine has been nothing short of cinematic, dotted with podiums including his maiden second-place finish at the 2020 Sakhir Grand Prix and another notable third at the 2023 Monaco Grand Prix.

His consistent performances helped him secure a personal best eighth place in the 2022 Drivers’ Championship, contributing significantly to the team's fourth-place finish in the Constructors’ standings that same year.

The relationship, while now drawing to a close, has been a formative chapter in Ocon's racing life, starting from his teenage years at Enstone, making the team's headquarters a place of fond memories and significant growth.

As Ocon looks ahead, he remains committed to ending his tenure on a high note, focusing entirely on achieving the best possible results in the upcoming races of the season.

Team Principal Bruno Famin reflects on the journey with gratitude, acknowledging the pinnacle moments like the Hungarian GP win that have marked Ocon's time with the team.

With the future in sight, both parties are gearing up for their next chapters, promising to push hard until the very end of the 2024 season. The team is poised to announce its driver lineup for 2025 soon.