Photos: Joel Tam
With media passes, we were allowed in the premises early. So you think the event organisers would allow us to park in the F1 pit building carpark. No way. "We have limited lots." they said. OK, understandable.
So we thought we were smart when the idea to park at the Duck Tours launch area (beside the pit building) came up. Being early, we still thought we were the only brilliant ones as we were the only car there at 9:30am. Free somemore!
Well, trust Singaporeans, when we walked back to our car, the whole area was filled with cars. It’s amazing how everyone managed to create enough room for one another to manouvere around the ‘carpark’. Well, here are just a few cars we captured.

A bevy of Nissan Silvia S15s and a sweet black GTR.

This yellow Silvia S15 was setup so nicely with what looked to me like a Vertex kit. Staggered wheels so neatly tucked under the fenders.

Front view. Pretty Silvia still a gorgeous car to behold.

This BMW M5 sat handsomely in all its V10 glory.

Wish I could hear this set of quads roar.

Very neat and tasteful white Subaru Legacy 2.0R.

Our Miata, tucked away in a corner.