Got a question? Browse through our list of anticipated and genuine FAQs to see if you can find some immediate answers.
If you can't find it here, we'd be glad to help, simply email us.

Why can’t I post comments?
To post articles or comments, you would need to register with us. Registration is absolutely free.

Why do I need to register? Can’t I read the articles for free?
Of course you can! Burnpavement.com is free for all to use and read. Registration is only needed if you intend to post an article or comments on the website. Which we strongly encourage you to do, participation is the first step to ownership!

I have registered, but have not received my activation email.
Some email servers may be blocked or are not recognisable by our email server. Simply email us and we’ll have your account manually activated.


What do I need to start contributing articles?
All you need is Internet access! You can submit, save and upload articles from any computer or mobile phone. Simply register for a free account and start writing.

I see only the Readers’ Rides, Events & Happenings and Bulletin sections in my drop-down menu. Are these the only sections I can contribute to?
For now, yes. These are the only sections available for public contribution.

What if I have content or potential feature cars that are suitable for the other sections?
To maintain an initial standard, all other sections like New, Classics and Modified are published by the Administrator only. You are more than welcome to share with us your concept or potential feature car, and we would be glad to help you do a full feature if we find it suitable.

Can I upload articles with content taken from other websites?
All content in Burnpavement.com must be orginal. We do not condone plagiarism. We encourage you to rewrite the article in your own words and ensure that all photographs are free-to-use, royalty free or taken by yourself.

I would love to contribute, but my command of English is not great, what if I have grammatical or spelling errors?
All articles will be reviewed and edited if necessary by our editors. If you have a story, produce it. We will help you make it shine.


How do I advertise on the website?
Burnpavement does not employ traditional banner ads. You know what they say, “Banner ads are signposts to somewhere you probably don’t want to go.”
We prefer to work with partners. We give our partners publicity opportunities and product/car feature coverage. We provide exposure of partner branding at strategic locations in the website and link them to their respective corporate webpages or a publicity webpage advertisement. It is a multi-faceted program that will yield results, not waste money and time. Contact us to discuss more.


How do I advertise on the website?
Burnpavement does not employ traditional banner ads. You know what they say, “Banner ads are signposts to somewhere you probably don’t want to go.”
We prefer to work with partners. We give our partners publicity opportunities and product/car feature coverage. We provide exposure of partner branding at strategic locations in the website and link them to their respective corporate webpages or a publicity webpage advertisement. It is a multi-faceted program that will yield results, not waste money and time. Contact us to discuss more.


I love the photography on the website, can you teach me how to shoot like that?
Yes. From time to time, we will conduct workshops and mass photoshoots to allow automotive photographers to learn from one another.
Everyone has a different style, but when we learn from each other, we grow together.

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